The metamorphosis of a "Desi" Biker..
A Biker is born:
When I grow up "as a biker", maybe I'll get a Royal Enfield Bullet..!!
A biker is born from the day a little boy starts dreaming about bikes. His dream then manifests itself in the form of posters on his bedroom wall. He promises to himself that when he grows old, he'll get his dream bike.
A new Biker is born:
But one fine day, the child attains puberty and his dreams are now a fast paced adrenaline filled world. But his dreams are now mostly occupied with images of the "female form" that for some strange reason suddenly becomes so alluring. Thanks to the raging hormones that now flows freely in his young body, the bloke is now obsessed with a three letter word starting with "S".
The subtle message seems to be.. "Get the ware that I sell, become a man overnight, get access to girls..!!"
Bingo..!! The corporate world manages to peek into these adolescent dreams. And voila.. the market is soon crowded with dream machines that promise to make you overnight into a "Hunk", lets you practice "Newton's laws" on the streets with a pretty young thing as pillion, pull "Xtreme" stunts and certifies you to be a "Definitely male".
The subtle message seems to be.. "Get the ware that I sell, become a man overnight, get access to girls..!!" And the best part is the promise of Zero Maintenance.. "Slam-Bam-Not even a Thank you Maam..!!" Aahh..!! Exactly how "adolescent wet dreams" are supposed to be.
A Biker ceases to exist:
For reasons which might vary across individuals.. the young biker now starts thinking about fuel efficiency.. cost of ownership.. monthly bills. So now he chooses to become a commuter.
Or maybe he is persuaded by his nagging Girl Friend/Fiancée/Wife and dumps his bike for a more family oriented 4 wheeler.
Or maybe he becomes just bored of riding two wheelers. Whatever might be the case.. Rest in Peace..!!
A Biker prevails:
A few either manage to strike a balance, get filthy rich or maybe just remain bachelors..
In spite of escalating fuel costs or a nagging Girl Friend/Fiancée/Wife.. a few bikers somehow manage to stay true to there childhood dreams. They somehow either manage to strike a balance, get filthy rich or maybe just remain bachelors.
A Biker becomes a "Bullet Rider"..!!
"Some Guys will Never Get It..!!" says a Royal Enfield Bullet print advertisement..!! How True..Not everyone can muster up the courage to ride a Royal Enfield... The Bulk, the temperamental engine, the constant care and attention, the failing parts.. Its not everyone's cuppa tea/coffee. But there is something which sets apart the bullet rider from every other rider.
I have seen many a rich guy on their Hayabusa's and R1's and Ninja's (mostly without their helmets, flaunting their Adonis like pretty face) in the streets of Bangalore. But whenever I come across a Bullet Rider, negotiating the traffic with an unhurried clam demeanor akin to Buddha on Two wheels, I feel like getting down from my bike and saluting him.
When I grow up "as a biker", maybe I'll get a Royal Enfield Bullet..!!
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This is to remind that the Views or Opinions in the blog are entirely mine unless explicitly stated. The Views and Opinions published in this blog should in no way be related to any other person or organization associated -- directly or indirectly -- with me.
loved the thing that you said about the buddha on two wheels. The bullet does give you that feeling...anyone can be a biker but like u said to be a bulleteer u need balls...Keep writing man...i'll be reading...peace
thanks bro..
"respect".. that's what the Bullet's got..!!
there are also a different breed of biker for whom biking isnt all about what he/she rides but its all about distance he/she can go with what he/she got.
No offence to bulleteers but the age old ego of "bullet or nothing" has to go.
bullet has its own charm but there are other bikes in this county that is capable of doing things same as a bullet can do.
Yes bullet/Harley is every boys dream. but no times have changed with arrival of sports tourer and retro cruisers.
P.S: i had a bad experience with members of one of the premiere bullet club.
and the bulleteers have lost my respect but not the bull.
You truely said the story of almost all bulleters and i am proud to be one of them.
Truely Not every one gets a chance to ride these untammed beasts.
hmmmmmmmmm nice selection of words and phrases!!!! fursat main likha hai sir jee ne!!!!
The Bullet is the only true chopper class that we can mention of available in India (the Avenger sounds more like a cruiser though). Me crossing 40, I'll surely look forward towards having one of those.
True Payeng! How true!
I bought my P220! And now whenever I see other bikes, even R1, I do not feel I need to have bought that bike or need to own that bike some day!
But ... But ... Whenever I see a Thunderbird, Electra, Machismo sailing beside me ... My heart shrieks out at me "Aaaaaaaaaaah, You should have bought that bike. Look at it! You moron, take some courage and buy that bike!"
My next Bike ... "A Bullet"
--But whenever I come across a Bullet Rider, negotiating the traffic with an unhurried clam demeanor akin to Buddha on Two wheels, I feel like getting down from my bike and saluting him.--
Ghosh, I salute your words. I brought Electra 5s and truly feel the peace, exit from rat-race from within.
Now, I don't fell in the trap to accelarate to 100kmph and brake hard on signal for even a moped driver reach me and start again.
Bullet - Truly a peace of mind "in driving"
I simply don't know wether people are like Budha who bring Bullet or become like Budha after bringing the Bullet.
"whenever I come across a Bullet Rider, negotiating the traffic with an unhurried clam demeanor akin to Buddha on Two wheels, I feel like getting down from my bike and saluting him."
- You said it bro ...
Keep writing...Keep riding...
payeng..when are you getting a thump machine?
there is some more time bro.. let me mature more as a rider
--But whenever I come across a Bullet Rider, negotiating the traffic with an unhurried clam demeanor akin to Buddha on Two wheels, I feel like getting down from my bike and saluting him.--
Ghosh, I salute your words. I brought Electra 5s and truly feel the peace, exit from rat-race from within.
Now, I don't fell in the trap to accelarate to 100kmph and brake hard on signal for even a moped driver reach me and start again.
Bullet - Truly a peace of mind "in driving"
I simply don't know wether people are like Budha who bring Bullet or become like Budha after bringing the Bullet.
Beautiful Post bro... please comment if you write a blog... would love to learn your writing style by reading your writings...
Hey Mr.Payeng nice article . Well i wanted to tell you that i got my first bike which is pulsar 135LS....but unfortunately i dropped my bike just after 7 days :( when parking at my home, the bike didnt start for two or three minutes but after the that it worked absolutely fine and luckily i didnt got even a single noticeable scratch,i wanted to to know if this is okay or not ?
PLZ TELL SOMETHING ABOUT THIS...any help would be highly oblidged !
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