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Apr 15, 2008

110 The Journey Ends..

"The Bike Chronicles of India" is shutting down..

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -- Confucius

    This is my first step, my first small step..... my first post..!!

    I don't know how many miles my journey will cover... but I am sure it will be worth.

With these words I started the Journey of “The Bike Chronicles of India” on August 22’nd, 2006. Today on April 15, 2008, I have decided to end this short journey of mine due to professional reasons.

The Journey Ends
It has been a very hard decision for me to make, since I had become attached to this small blog of mine. Writing on “The Bike Chronicles of India” had actually helped me get over my 8 year old Smoking habit. Today I write this last post with a heavy heart...

I am also getting married on this April 27th to my childhood sweetheart. I hope that my better half will fill up the emptiness that will be felt in my heart after shutting down “The Bike Chronicles of India”.

I take this opportunity to thank all those visitors who have accompanied on this short journey. Thanks Guys..!! It really meant a lot to me. Maybe we’ll meet again someday.. somewhere..

Till then Ride Safe and “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”.

Signing off
Satadal Payeng
(Biker Next Door from India)

An article from the "The Bike Chronicles of India" has been mentioned on "The New York Times".. The timing couldn't have been more poignant..

A month back I had published an article on this blog about "Do we really need fatter/wider rear tyres..?? or do we just want it?".

To my delight (and surprise) "The New York Times" had found the article worthy enough to be mentioned in its "Automobiles" section.

NYT Links to The Bike Chronicles of India

This is what "The New York Times" had to say..

    Satadal Payeng wondered whether motorcyclists in India — and, presumably, elsewhere — really need fatter tires (or, as he has it, “tyres”). We did some quick Googling on this subject, and the best item we could find was this one. Is there a better explanation out there somewhere? (The Bike Chronicles of India)


This is to remind that the Views or Opinions in the blog are entirely mine unless explicitly stated. The Views and Opinions published in this blog should in no way be related to any other person or organization associated -- directly or indirectly -- with me.


Unknown said...

The first thing that I used to do after switching on the PC is,visit your blog.All fans of your blog will really miss you and your articles.Hope I can stay in touch through E-mails.

gary said...

Hi Payeng,

I am shock!!! I will miss your writing so much as I also already attached to this blog....Hope you can write again in future time....:D

And hoping you will live happy with your wife....:D

Please do keep in touch with email....:D

Epiphany said...

Congrats for the mention in NYT. Will surely miss the blog...Hope we can pester you on your e-mail id...

Unknown said...

I have really enjoyed ur blog for the past 1 year or so. I will miss your articles a lot.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with @ srinidhi
“The first thing that I used to do after switching on the PC is,visit your blog.”
Will surely miss reading your articles. Good luck to you :D

Kedar Parikh, said...

Hey buddy, this was a shock.

Altough i recently did get anytime myself to blog, but made sure that i read all u r posts.

Anyways Best wishes for your future.
I hope we can stay in touch.

Anonymous said...

I am FAISAL here,
I had developed a habit of visiting ur blog every single day...but things change for good..i hope.

Can i add u as a friend on my orkut we r bikers at heart though i am in NASCENT stages,& i dont want to loose contact wid a person as KNOWLEDGEABLE as u.

i didnt know u SMOKED???

All the best for ur Future life..TC
HAPPY RIDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Payeng... are you really serious.. is that okay if you share the reason with all of us.. coz we all love ur blog.. its the best biking blog i have seen so far.. i have respected the authenticity of all the articles from this blog.. My fav article was the "Story behing Bajaj Pulsar".. is this bolg really closing or getting migrated to a different site... if the former is true then its really sad for all of us.... but am sure there must be a reason for it.. anyways Payeng.. we will miss you.. Have a great married life.. hope to see you someday someway.

Thanks for everything....

Lohit Mohanta

Sajal said...

Payeng Dude!!

You gotta be kidding me!!!!

I knew every good thing comes to an end, but this one's a thunder bolt straight from the clear blue sky!!!

Well congrats for being featured on the New York Times.

And coincidently 27th is also THE Day for me too!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is friggin sad. If Raytheon fears that it may lose favor with some of its clients because one of its employees speaks his mind in a democratic forum, shame on them!



Payeng said...

@Everyone and ExhaustTec..

Thanks a lot for your messages..

I am very happy with my present job.. but probably it would be better for me to cease keeping my blog.

..probably this isn't the right time.. not yet.

Meanwhile I will always be in touch by e-mail..

God Bless..!!

Glifford said...

Hey Payeng,

Have been a critique of your blog in the earlier days, I've seen it mature over time. Both in content and quality. Over time I became your fan and looked forward to reading your new posts.

I really liked the way you took effort to post!

My sincere request here is to not delete the blog. Just keep posting once in a while... even once in a couple of months will be fine. Am sure your better half to be will help you with it!

Congrats in advance for the 27th. Wish you and your permanent Pillion long loving rides down the journey of life!

All the best!

drowning me said...

this is sad and I agree with glifford.
Plz don't delete it or rather keep posting some stuff even if it comes in long intervals.
or is it some kinda late April fool, I hope it is.

Manish said...

Hi Payeng,

Though I never used to comment, but was ( and will be, in case you change your decision) a regular reader.

Will definitely miss this blog.

Anyways, wishing you a happy maried life and success in all future endeavors.


Anonymous said...

Learnt some interesting facts regarding automobiles from your website. Will miss this webspace :-(

Anonymous said...

Hey Sats, first of all congrats for the 27th. Wishing you a very happy married life.

Second, thanks for the tremendous effort you put in into the blog. It was a pleasure reading your posts which were updated with such amazing frequency & contained such novel content. I'll miss 'The Chronicles' a lot. And so will many others, I'm sure.

Third, I hope you can start blogging again, maybe anonymously. Until then, godspeed!

Anonymous said...

learnt and gained a lot from this site.. will miss it.. all d best for ur future! :-)

Anonymous said...

this is insane.

i can't even think what will i do after u stop blogging.

i spend hours in front of my pc just to read ur blog.

now what will i do?

i am just a 16 year old and i can't take ur words.

plz plz plz plz reply to my comment

i just want to hear from u once more.

just say hi ashes_dad.

i have learnt everything about bikes after reading ur blog.

Anonymous said...

wow! i'm really shocked!! urs was the best biking blog of the Indian scene. Anyways, goodluck forward!

Payeng said...

@ Ashes_Dad..

I am touched by your comments.. but the situation right now is such that its Prudent to stop this journey here.


I do not believe in speaking my mind "Anonymously"

Maybe some of "YOU" should start your own blogs..!!

I will be available on my e-mail and also on Orkut (Profile link is given on the "Contact" Tab)

Ride Safe.. I mean it..!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Payeng!!!
i've always referred to The Bike Chronicles Of India as the bible for comparisons, test rides n all the stuff related to Indian Biking.....will miss ur luck for the future!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget me Payeng.I am still your biggest fan and your blog was always the first website I entered.I was sixteen when I first saw your blog and now I am an eighteen year old and from day one I have seen all your posts and commented on a few of them.To be honest there are very few blogs like yours.Anyway happy married life and I just hope the bike chronicles of India will be back in action some day.Will miss you and your hillarious comments.All the best for the rest of your life.Goodbye Payeng.

Flame said...

i am in tears ur blog is the best biking blog i ever came across, all the best to ur journey i hope ur blog returns!

Prakash said...

hi payeng

very sad to hear dat u r closing down ur blog....request you to atleast keep the blog alive so that v can still get to read ur past blogs....neways all d best n hv a happy married life

Cé$âr said...

Don't do it Payeng..

You can run this blog side by side..?

All the best. Pls keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

You will be missed!

All the best dude :)

Avid Reader.

Anonymous said...


First, All the best for your marriage and everything else.

And, I'm really sad that you have to shut it down :=(.

Why don't you ask your brother to continue maintaning it ?

Just Another Michael said...

Hi Payeng,
I know you DON'T wanna do this! You DON'T really wanna do this!!
But I can somehow understand that whatever the reason behind this is SO COMPELLING that you have to do this, agaisnt all your heart and agaisnt all the wishes of all your readers/fans/friends/critics alike.
One thing is for sure though; yours has been the best biking blog ever and none will be able to match it ever.
For this reason, I plead of you not to delete the blog and just keep it dormant (may be in a read-only format?) so we all can visit it whenever we feel the need for it. Better still, allow readers to post comments and exchange ideas using this site as a forum.
Payeng Bro. you've been the best and only the best things will happen to you. Including, of course, your life partner (welcome to the league of married man); wishing you all the best for your wedding.
Michael K Touthang

GAGAN said... about handing the baton over..keeping the lights up..hand it over to someone you think can do justice with this valuable link....cos i think shutting down will be unfair for many many readers and followers of this blog. Its just and the end..ur baby-ur decision :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey! sorry to know that u r closing down the blog... i was an ardent reader n subscriber of this blog...
i miss it.. :(
happy married life n all the best for ur future

Anonymous said...

aisa mere saath hi kyun hota hai.main jis site ko pasand karta hoon woh band ho jaati hai.I used to like very muchit shutted down,i also used to like stage6 it also shutted down,freesports4u same with this site,now your blog.kismat hi futi hai saali

Anonymous said...

Damn man.. im gonna miss your blog. it was the best resource for info and talk about bikes.

i logged on today after a long time as i had exams and thot id send you a pic of the new pulsar 300 that i had, but alas a sad suprise that you are shutting your blog down.

i hope you continue writing about bikes though, and if you do pls add me to your mailing list. my id is

maybe someday, somewhere as you say we might meet.

Your Fellow Riding Enthusiast,
Hyderabad, A.P.

PS: wish you a very happy married life.

Sid Soni said...

All the best for the next journey :). It's been real fun.

Venkat Shyam said...

Hi Satadal,

The journey of life takes a responsible turn after marriage.

It is essential in life to review our journey. I must say, never undo what you've done as it’s in the past. Past needs to be revisited years later. They show us the path which we have trotted & reflect on what has gone thro’ in our lives.

They also form a learning point not only for us, but to many others who seek to move in the same path

There is no doubt that we need to quit when on high, but I must say the peak is still a long way to go.

Experience Speaks over every thing else.

Sharing a bit from my life, my Journey on road began with a wife who longed to tour too. Whilst agreeing on the part that quality time might go missing, I don’t agree to the fact that you need to resign from what ever you’ve been doing, more so when it has been from the bottom of your heart.

They say “Every End Marks a new beginning”. Hope this New beginning brings you success!

All the Very Best!

Your Well Wisher

Venkat shyam,BV

Solada Somberi said...

"Change is Constant"

The only phrase I ever believed to the core.

I wont say I am shocked nor say I expected this. All I know is that sometimes we need to change for the "needs" we need, and it is not prudent to force ourselves to stay in the same way for the "wants" we want.

I am happy that you chose the former. A new journey begins.

Solada Somberi said...

By the way. You have lots of contents in this blog which will be useful to me (and maybe others too) later on.

Is it possible to get these contents, maybe by crawling ( ;-) ) your blog. Of course no copyright infringement I plan to do. Unless and until you agree I will not try to grab these contents and put it in my local space (hard disk i mean)

Anonymous said...

we will miss your writings!!!
you have been a blessing to the indian bikers community
all the best for the future!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Payeng,

It's quite a disappointing news :( The first thing I did after reading the heading was to check the date whether it's april 1st or not!!! U had done something similar last year :)
I would really miss bike chronicles of India. I visit the blog at least once a day...I still remember the initial logo I designed for ur blog..
I would still ask..."ARE U SURE???" :)
At least u can keep the blog live so that we could read the reviews, test ride reports etc.

Anyways wish u all the best for ur career and a happy and prosperous marriage life.


Payeng said...

@Puma and everyone,

Yes bro you can definitely download all the Pages of my Blog..

Thanks a lot again for your responses..

The "Desi" Bike Scene has just started to get exciting.. Maybe we'll meet someday.

ramki said...


I have been visiting your blog since many days. I so am attached to your blog that i visit the pages daily. We all miss your interesting posts.

I wish you all the best for the journey ahead.


Sajal said...

On April 01,2007 you wrote that
"This is the last Post.. Thanks for the Company" (Well considering the date I may think you were making us fool")


But on April 09, 2007 you whre back with "Hero Honda, the "First Hero" among Indian bike manufacturers"


Unknown said...

I think this farewell article has got the most number of responses in the shortest time interval.Well,that's a record in your blog then. Anyway,really miss your blog.Happy biking and have a happy married life.

Payeng said...

Thanks Srinidhi..

@Sajal, I know bro last time it was an April Fool Prank.. but right now I cannot afford to continue.

I am Sorry Everyone since I have probably failed to live up to your expectations.. I am not that Strong.. not yet

Anonymous said...

hey payeng,

dude, its sad that you are closing down your blog... but i am sure you would have thought it over many many times before making this decision..!!

you've been great with your blog (reviews/compares/pictures...)
seriously going to miss you lot..
guess my net surfing will get braked hard.. :-)

anyways, i also want to thank you for posting the valuable info i needed for my first bike.. (p180)
thanks a lot dude!!

oh and wouldn't it be nice if u handed over the job to someone else..???

anyways, congratulations for 27th.. wishing you a great career and married life.. ENJOY!!!

hoping we can meet someday..
take care


-big fan of TBCOI

Anonymous said...

oh and congratulations about NYT man..
u rock as always..

see you around!

Sajal said...

All I can say is....
I bid you farewell because I know it's necessary before we can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.

Our feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell and that you can judge by the overwhelming response that you got all these years and also for you last post.

But what last I can't understand is that why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?

It has been wonderfull to have your arround and how lucky I am to have such warmth between us that makes saying goodbye so hard.

Anonymous said...

hey payeng, y not u just leave this site up and just attend to it when you have the time, rather than closing it down?

of course, due to your obligations you can't be as attentive as before. but i'm sure you'll still use the internet, so once in a while, you can spend 10 or 15mins and just pin up some news on the Indian bike market. I'm sure others will keep it well and alive through the comments post!

perhaps once/week or once/two weeks or so.

I don't think that's asking too much.

Hope you're agreeable!

-Avid Fan from Malaysia

Anonymous said...

Even attending to it once in a while will be fine.

juz don't shut it down!

there's no other substitute for the indian bike industry. NO OTHER!

at least, let this site exist so others can use it as a reference in future. your articles may be of use to some people later on.

it'll be really selfish of you to just close it down.

i don't think attending to it once in a while is gonna cost you much.
and perhaps you can get a panel of others to help contribute some stuff to keep this running.


akhil said...

Hey it was a real good blog bro i really enjoyed it i daily used to open once i a day even with my busy shedule u are like a very good data base abt bikes da it was very good good pics reviews and a lot of knowledge abt bikes i enjoyed it hope u come bake with the same consept again bro

Sathya said...

Dear Payneg brother,

This is very unfair bro, u got to marry live happily we all wish u but why are u breaking a very good relationship that u share with thousands of bike fans and indian bike generation who want to know lot of things abt bikes,

i will say that your site is the encyclopedia of indian bikes, one of my very fav sites which i visit as often as possible,

i even asked u for an blog on toetyped gear levers, u have many such unfinished business with us,

i am not commanding u but in way asking u to maintain this blog and try to write a post atleast once in a month or like that

and once again many wishes for ur marriage, wishes for bhabhiji too

i am sathya from chennai.

nuke said...

why do you want to DELETE the blog????

Anonymous said...

Delete the prev. one
Hey payeng...
To be very frank, almost 1-2 years ago, the biker keeda had stung me...
And from that moment on...i became a regular hunter for biking sites...the first four from the list which i used to visit EVERYDAY were...
xbhp (living life at 20 bhp :), i followed u there too)
indian2wheels.blogspot (now 2wheelsindia)

And since that time, these sites/blogs have helped me to develop every other aspect of biking...

Now again after goin through whole of your current blog (and the comments posted), nothing much has been left to say...
I am gonna stay in touch through mail/orkut (i have sent u a frnd request)...
and since am a delhite...
and dare you run from any of my contacts made (or which will be made in near future)....
Coz sab kuch aapki nahi chalegi yahaan par...

will miss your writing...
God bless

GAGAN said...

i second sajju's thoughts....however i never get to meet you despite living in the same city...but you have been very patient specially with your blog and waiting endlessly for your 220 to debut on NH-8. good things happen to good good!!and my best wishes for your life ahead. On the lighter note....did that anonymous reader..what was his name..vincent, UK?....:) wud love to meet him also someday :)))

ankit goyal said...

all the best!!

ankit goyal said...

will miss ur blog.. and ur comments..

Anonymous said...

no plz ......... do not shut this blog down yaar !

sanket kambli said...

are you serious???
will miss it all!!!!!
at least..
don't delete!!
just do something like archive or something...
come on...if shaekespeare did ever quit writing..would he go and burn all his previous it man..

first_synn said...

Hey Payeng,

Sorry to hear about your decision. But, these things are a way of life. Wish you all the success in your future journeys and of course, a happy married life.

Unknown said...

You're gonna deprive us of the superb stuff that you hav provided us thru this blog..nyways Wish you a happy married life..

Anonymous said...

Oh buddy...
its still a small kid... plz dont kill it!!

dude i really cant believe that my homepage will henceforth display "PAGE NOT FOUND"....

since few days i was wondering why there was no post from you but never ever expected this post to end my wait...

Though my association with this KNOWLEDGE CENTRE is not very long still i feel very heavy hearted to even realize this i can truely imagine ur situation. its really a tough decision that u have made & its even showing the helplessness on ur part...

but anyways since we always say "JO KUCH HOTA HAI SIRF ACCHE KE LIYE HOTA HAI" i would say, "Have a very happy SECOND married life.... now that u have already DIVORCED ur first Better Half!!"

Will always miss YOU, UR Blog, 'UR Management Learnings' & Lot many things associated with this beautiful journey of bikes....

n hey bro My APACHE RTR160 is Pending, so That will be dedicated to 'YOU' & to "THE BIKE CRONICLES OF INDIA" whenever it arrives(hope Soon)...
plz do reply & stay in contact at
Hope to see u Someday PAYENG... take care..

Anonymous said...

ok u r busy fine.


juz contribute once a mth o something. don't juz shut it down..

its my plea to u..

think of people who may need it in future. pleaseee..

we have 60 guys here in support (and counting). don't let us down. while we understand your obligations, all we are asking from you is a lil' bit of a lil' bit.

Please. Don't close it.

Remember. what goes around comes around.

the rest is up to you. Happy married life.

-Junaid (Pakistan)

Anonymous said...

Ur blog is in my fav list.. Its hard to digest the fact that ur blog is shutting down.. Any ways things tend to happen and one should learn to live wit it.. But i'm not gonna delete the link in my fav list.. That says it all.. Happy married life.. Keep it cool buddy....!

Anonymous said...

NO!! just don't delete it!! PLEASE~!

like what others said, contribute when u can, like when u r checkin ur mail o somethin.

juz never shut it down

Anonymous said...

and what about the baby ninja? and xbhp? all ends?

Anonymous said...

Dear Payeng,

I use to criticise your comments comments earlier as I thought you were Pro bajaj, but later I realised my fault and I have become a fan of yours.

Its really unfair on your part to shut down this blog.

Dont forget that this blog has brought so much fame to you, so many people know you because of this blog. Man you are famous because of this blog. People do so many things to become famous.

I would like to say its a sort of your identity which people can relate to you, so I request you like others to keep this blog alive, atleast you can write some comments once in a while, may be a week, maybe a month or may be in a year. Come on you can take out atleast that minimum of time.

I know you have always have been following your heart, lets see what you do now.

Anonymous said...

This is my first post although i am a regular visitor to your blog.
I just want to tell you that i will really miss ....The Biker next door.

Anonymous said...

Hi Payeng,

Really so sad to know that your closing down your blog. Your blog was indeed really informative and useful. All your posts were really interesting to read and had lots of humour here and there.. best of luck and and God bless you in your future life, And hope you may bring out something more great than this in the future.

With Best Regards.
Thompson D Cherian (thompson88 @ Xbhp..)

Area Zero Technology Pvt. Ltd. said...

hey dude u really did a great job by opening this blog. i m deeply sad to read that this is the, hoping u'll bring out something even better someday....i'll miss this blog ..
good luck for your marriage and good luck for your profession too..rock on!!

Anonymous said...

I know your indulgence in your professional and married life will keep you too busy to keep updating us... And I don't need to keep reminding that your blog is probably the most informative blog in India when it comes to biking... Definetely can't force you to keep updating us...

But I bet the best you can do is, not shutting down this blog... There are a lot of informative stuffs down here and will be useful to the users... Let the blog be and maybe who knows someday you will again feel like bouncing back...

Just as The Beatles sang,'Let It Be...

Happy married life broda.......

Satyen Poojary said...

Hey Payeng....

I read all of the 69 comments on this post.... every bl00dy single line of them just to see if you ever mentioned that you were joking about it...

I have my exams tomorrow and am still posting this reply because you blew my head off... Dude I understand this is something very hard that you are doing, so maybe this is something that you cannot control..

Please mail me dude... May be I can help work around or something?


Anonymous said...

whateva, but don't shut it down.

perhaps 1 day when u feel bored or sad, make a post, and it'll cheer you up.

Unknown said...

Hey Payeng,
Posting it for the 2nd time now..
Coz am stil checkin ur blog everyday, not for any new topic but to look out for the comments/responses from the other bloggers...

You seriously need to resconsider your decision my friend...
People are born with the quest to find their destiny, and some die without finding one...
You are just so lucky to have found your destiny so early in your life... towards it..(Now how many bikers gets to meet Mr. Bajaj at AUTO-EXPO WHO himself met and knew you beforehand, you lucky chap)

Am a student trying to get through MBA ent. exams...
To be very frank, i see pass outs from IIMs but still workin their way out but not takin a single job being offered...
And when i ask them why, they say..."ITS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR LIFE, workin for 12 hours in a day even for 14-18 lac./annunm is just not my cup of tea"
They want their piece and peace of life...which they dint found in being a manager..
Eg. are many such as Palash Sen, Anil Kumble etc. etc.

Just dont pay attention what life is tellin or forcing you to do....and LISTEN TO YOUR HEART..!!!
Shut this blog down if it asks you to...We wont force you to keep it open...
BUT I and almost EVERYONE knows what your heart has to say or already said...
Coz YOU TOO already know it...

Acc. to me, there is a UNIVERSAL LAW called as 'ALL OR NONE LAW'...
which says you dont have to leave one thing for the other...If things have to move, they move all together or NONE will...

Do consider my blog seriously...
It has a lot to offer for you, me and everyone...
Sandeep, a well wisher

Anonymous said...

Hi Payeng

Its a sad day when your blog goes offline. A biker at heart, I've come to know quite a lot from your posts and even based my final decision to purchase my RTR after your review.

But, like all good things which come to an end someday, so has this. I understand your decison. I would like to thank you for spreading knowledge and encouraging safe riding. While the journey was on, it was great, but even when its over, there is so much to treasure. Thanks for everthing and have a happy married life.


Anonymous said...

One thing I want to tell you.
Please don't close tis blog pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Anonymous said...

farewell payeng, but don't shut this down.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a very happy married life Satadal :-)

Anonymous said...

hi payeng...
i hv been reading ur blog for some time now n find it really hard to believe tht there wont b any more words from u.i believe there must b a strong reason to end this blog as u urself enjoy writing this blog for us.anyway i wish u best wishes for the d two of u tie the knots to become one, may God keep looking down frm the heavens, n bless the two of you.

n guess what??? nw tht u hv decided to leave bikes chronicles i m still here to trouble u with one more i dont see any one else to guide me make this name is jatin n i live in Kochi...i m planning to buy a new bike in next couple of days from defence canteen..i m looking for a bike that should be maintenance free n more importantly durable...i think hero honda splendor is the best option but problem is that hero honda bikes are not available through canteen...i have got only three options...Bajaj Platina, Bajaj XCD and TVS Starcity.these are d only bikes will be of great help for me if u can recommend which of these bikes should i go for???plz plz plz help me make this decision..plz tell me which of these three bikes is more durable?????
ur advise ll b of great help to me......

keep of luck
thanking you

Anonymous said...

write something payeng, pls! is it so time consuming? i know you'd not let me down.

Lozil said...

Please Mate... don't delete the Blog.... There is so much useful in it... Please... a request from a Bike lover...

Unknown said...

Sir pls don't delete your blog pls...........................................................

Kishor said...

U've a good blog man. U kept everyone updated about indian auto industry.
All the Best. :)

Anonymous said...

pls say something my friend

Anonymous said...

Your blog was very informative for me as a learner.
Thanks for everything.
Hope you'll start writing again.

Anonymous said...

pls.. atleast u can reply.. as if u aren't seeing these comment.. moreover i know where u live n i'll publish it on other blogs (including ur phone number) so people will directly contact you. i'm not kidding

Payeng said...

Hi there...

.. I am still surprised that a few a visiting this blog to check for new updates.

Please understand that closing down my blog was very hard on me as well.. lets hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

oh god payeng, y did u remove the other articles??? I'm from IIT Kanpur and my assignment is regarding biking! I thought I can take some leads from here! can you pleaseeeeee put them up again?

Anonymous said...

Nice to see your reply, but please payeng, please don't remove the articles. Leave it for people to view. I'm confident you aren't selfish and you'll repost them.

Payeng said...

I had to remove the previous posts since my current employer has asked me to do so.. couldn't help it bro.. I don't have any other source of income.

In case anyone needs any help from me, i'll be available on e-mail.
Just mail me at ""

elipongo said...

write something payeng, pls! is it so time consuming? i know you'd not let me down.

Lozil said...

Please Mate... don't delete the Blog.... There is so much useful in it... Please... a request from a Bike lover...

Anonymous said...

ok u r busy fine.


juz contribute once a mth o something. don't juz shut it down..

its my plea to u..

think of people who may need it in future. pleaseee..

we have 60 guys here in support (and counting). don't let us down. while we understand your obligations, all we are asking from you is a lil' bit of a lil' bit.

Please. Don't close it.

Remember. what goes around comes around.

the rest is up to you. Happy married life.

-Junaid (Pakistan)

Vijay said...

Oh buddy...
its still a small kid... plz dont kill it!!

dude i really cant believe that my homepage will henceforth display "PAGE NOT FOUND"....

since few days i was wondering why there was no post from you but never ever expected this post to end my wait...

Though my association with this KNOWLEDGE CENTRE is not very long still i feel very heavy hearted to even realize this i can truely imagine ur situation. its really a tough decision that u have made & its even showing the helplessness on ur part...

but anyways since we always say "JO KUCH HOTA HAI SIRF ACCHE KE LIYE HOTA HAI" i would say, "Have a very happy SECOND married life.... now that u have already DIVORCED ur first Better Half!!"

Will always miss YOU, UR Blog, 'UR Management Learnings' & Lot many things associated with this beautiful journey of bikes....

n hey bro My APACHE RTR160 is Pending, so That will be dedicated to 'YOU' & to "THE BIKE CRONICLES OF INDIA" whenever it arrives(hope Soon)...
plz do reply & stay in contact at
Hope to see u Someday PAYENG... take care..

эЭﮡ—sAnNdzZ—ﮡЄє said...

Hey Payeng,
Posting it for the 2nd time now..
Coz am stil checkin ur blog everyday, not for any new topic but to look out for the comments/responses from the other bloggers...

You seriously need to resconsider your decision my friend...
People are born with the quest to find their destiny, and some die without finding one...
You are just so lucky to have found your destiny so early in your life... towards it..(Now how many bikers gets to meet Mr. Bajaj at AUTO-EXPO WHO himself met and knew you beforehand, you lucky chap)

Am a student trying to get through MBA ent. exams...
To be very frank, i see pass outs from IIMs but still workin their way out but not takin a single job being offered...
And when i ask them why, they say..."ITS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR LIFE, workin for 12 hours in a day even for 14-18 lac./annunm is just not my cup of tea"
They want their piece and peace of life...which they dint found in being a manager..
Eg. are many such as Palash Sen, Anil Kumble etc. etc.

Just dont pay attention what life is tellin or forcing you to do....and LISTEN TO YOUR HEART..!!!
Shut this blog down if it asks you to...We wont force you to keep it open...
BUT I and almost EVERYONE knows what your heart has to say or already said...
Coz YOU TOO already know it...

Acc. to me, there is a UNIVERSAL LAW called as 'ALL OR NONE LAW'...
which says you dont have to leave one thing for the other...If things have to move, they move all together or NONE will...

Do consider my blog seriously...
It has a lot to offer for you, me and everyone...
Sandeep, a well wisher

nuke said...

why do you want to DELETE the blog????

Sajal Chakraborty said...

All I can say is....
I bid you farewell because I know it's necessary before we can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.

Our feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell and that you can judge by the overwhelming response that you got all these years and also for you last post.

But what last I can't understand is that why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?

It has been wonderfull to have your arround and how lucky I am to have such warmth between us that makes saying goodbye so hard.

srinidhi said...

I think this farewell article has got the most number of responses in the shortest time interval.Well,that's a record in your blog then. Anyway,really miss your blog.Happy biking and have a happy married life.

ramki said...


I have been visiting your blog since many days. I so am attached to your blog that i visit the pages daily. We all miss your interesting posts.

I wish you all the best for the journey ahead.


Puma said...

By the way. You have lots of contents in this blog which will be useful to me (and maybe others too) later on.

Is it possible to get these contents, maybe by crawling ( ;-) ) your blog. Of course no copyright infringement I plan to do. Unless and until you agree I will not try to grab these contents and put it in my local space (hard disk i mean)

Banyan Tree said...

Hi Satadal,

The journey of life takes a responsible turn after marriage.

It is essential in life to review our journey. I must say, never undo what you've done as it’s in the past. Past needs to be revisited years later. They show us the path which we have trotted & reflect on what has gone thro’ in our lives.

They also form a learning point not only for us, but to many others who seek to move in the same path

There is no doubt that we need to quit when on high, but I must say the peak is still a long way to go.

Experience Speaks over every thing else.

Sharing a bit from my life, my Journey on road began with a wife who longed to tour too. Whilst agreeing on the part that quality time might go missing, I don’t agree to the fact that you need to resign from what ever you’ve been doing, more so when it has been from the bottom of your heart.

They say “Every End Marks a new beginning”. Hope this New beginning brings you success!

All the Very Best!

Your Well Wisher

Venkat shyam,BV

sourabh agrawal said...

aisa mere saath hi kyun hota hai.main jis site ko pasand karta hoon woh band ho jaati hai.I used to like very muchit shutted down,i also used to like stage6 it also shutted down,freesports4u same with this site,now your blog.kismat hi futi hai saali

Twin Spark said...


First, All the best for your marriage and everything else.

And, I'm really sad that you have to shut it down :=(.

Why don't you ask your brother to continue maintaning it ?

Prakash said...

hi payeng

very sad to hear dat u r closing down ur blog....request you to atleast keep the blog alive so that v can still get to read ur past blogs....neways all d best n hv a happy married life

Anonymous said...

Hey Payeng!!!
i've always referred to The Bike Chronicles Of India as the bible for comparisons, test rides n all the stuff related to Indian Biking.....will miss ur luck for the future!!!

ashes_dad said...

this is insane.

i can't even think what will i do after u stop blogging.

i spend hours in front of my pc just to read ur blog.

now what will i do?

i am just a 16 year old and i can't take ur words.

plz plz plz plz reply to my comment

i just want to hear from u once more.

just say hi ashes_dad.

i have learnt everything about bikes after reading ur blog.

krishnadevanur said...

Learnt some interesting facts regarding automobiles from your website. Will miss this webspace :-(

Payeng said...

@Everyone and ExhaustTec..

Thanks a lot for your messages..

I am very happy with my present job.. but probably it would be better for me to cease keeping my blog.

..probably this isn't the right time.. not yet.

Meanwhile I will always be in touch by e-mail..

God Bless..!!

Kedar Parikh, said...

Hey buddy, this was a shock.

Altough i recently did get anytime myself to blog, but made sure that i read all u r posts.

Anyways Best wishes for your future.
I hope we can stay in touch.

Sasangka said...

I have really enjoyed ur blog for the past 1 year or so. I will miss your articles a lot.

satyenpoojary said...

Why are you folks scaring me... That article was of early 2008! Things have changed.. He writes now!

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