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Sep 19, 2012

5 From my wish list: Dual Sport Helmet [What/Why/Benefits/Drawbacks/Brands in India]

A look at Dual Sport helmets..

Yep, a dual sport helmet is next in my wish list of must have biking gears (i.e. after I get a new bike for myself first).

But what is a dual sport helmet in the first place? What are the benefits and drawbacks of a dual sport helmet? Why this sudden itch of mine for a dual sport helmet? And what are the options/brands of dual sport helmets in India? Let’s run down one question at a time.

Sep 7, 2012

11 Official Shocker: Hero to stop/discontinue/phase out Impulse, Ignitor & Maestro..!!

Discontinuing models is not exactly style of Hero.. So why? That too very new models like the Impulse, Ignitor and Maestro..

Hero enjoys a reputation among Indian customers, one of persisting models and not discontinuing them. Although technically not totally accurate (CBZ, Street, Ambition, CD100, Sleek, CD Dawn, Joy are some models which have been ceased), Hero to its credit have continued with most of its models.

But today Hero has officially shocked by making a statement (News Source: Economictimes) that it will discontinue the Impulse and the models launched post that after its partnership with Honda officially ends in 2014. The official PR speak is that such a move will be done to not having to pay royalty to Honda post 2014 for those models. The models before the Impulse (including the most important Splendor/Passion) will not be discontinued though.

My Take:

    [1] It’s very difficult for me to believe that a cash rich behemoth group like Hero which have been paying royalty to a Partner like Honda for more than a quarter of a century can’t afford to pay royalty for new models like the Impulse, Ignitor & Maestro

Sep 6, 2012

2 Indonesia gets 2013 Ninja 250, Ninja 300 for UK. What for India? [Ninja 300: Video]

Australia, Canada, UK and probably the US will get the Kawasaki Ninja 300 and Indonesia the 2013 Ninja 250.. So what's there in store for India?

Shocker No 1: The largest market for the Ninja 250 in the world currently is Indonesia..!! Hardly surprising why Kawasaki chose Indonesia to unveil the 2013 Ninja 250 (the "R" has been dropped). Surprising is the fact that Indonesia (the 3rd biggest 2 wheeler market in the world after China and India) is essentially a step thru & automatic scooter dominated country.

Shocker No 2: Get ready for the Ninja 300..!! Even before we could stop drooling over the uber sexy 2013 Ninja 250 and started daydreaming of Kawasaki bringing it over to India, a Ninja 300 will replace the Ninja 250R in the developed markets of UK, Canada, Australia and probably US as well.

Kawasaki Ninja 300

Sep 5, 2012

6 “That Motorcycle has Character”, what does it mean?

A look at what is the "Chracter" of a motorcycle and what gives gives a bike its "Character"..

One particular phrase that passionate bike enthusiasts’ sometime use to describe some motorcycles is that, “It has a Character”. But never have I ever come across another accompanying statement which would describe what that “Character” is all about. After riding, living, thinking, reading, writing (blogging) and dreaming about motorcycles for more than a decade, I have some interesting point of views and my own take about that cryptic “Character of a Motorcycle”.

I. Is it “imperfection” that gives “Character” to a bike?

Ducati’s are not as reliable as the Japanese (Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki) counterparts. Ducati engines also make a lot of racket and vibrations are also a part of the Ducati package. Even then according to ones who have ridden/owned them, Ducati’s have “Character”.

Harley Davidson bikes are big burley and apart from the smooth open highways, they are more than a handful to be ridden over less than perfect roads. But still to its fans the heritage and character of a Harley can’t be matched by any other.

Aug 25, 2012

9 Video Review: Pulsar 200NS by PTR

Better than professional stuff by these "Power to the Rider" guys..!! Just watch..

You certainly won’t get to see this video review being shared by mainstream auto media sites and there is a good chance that even the couple of amateur Indian auto blogs out there might not share it. Reason? Well the mainstream media won’t feature stuff which is not theirs (logical) and for the amateurs, “PTR (Power to the Rider)” is kind of competition (hmmm...).

But that does not take away from the fact that the following video is the best video review on the Pulsar 200NS so far. The passion of these guys for motorcycles (and not just to mint money by online ads) is clearly visible. Don’t miss the video posted below..!!