I leave Bangalore and land up in Gurgaon.. leave I.T/Software to join the Auto Sector..
Update [2012.11.10]: A lot have changed since the day I made this blog entry. I left RPS to join a major Indian auto manufacturer, worked there for 4 years and have now moved on to pursue my newest foolish dream, i.e joining a new business venture.
And yes, even that is related to motorcycles..!!
Have learnt a lot during the last 5 years both professionally and also about myself. Am praying real hard that I can make a success of my latest "Foolish Dream".
"If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?
And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row...
I know I need to change something."
- Steve Jobs, CEO Apple
The above lines have been taken from a speech made by Steve Jobs at the 2005 Stanford University Commencement ceremony. When I first came across the above lines, I got goose bumps on my skin. Because it was then when I realized the reason why I have been so restless for my whole life.. Why I have been doing things which normally seemed to be waste of time to many people around me..
"So why am I writing this post..??
It is because I have quit my Software Job and got a new job which is related to the Auto Sector.."
For example, instead of preparing for my exams during my Engg. days, I used to hang around with the Music Troop of my college playing drums. Instead of preparing for my placement during my second year of my MBA, I was more engrossed in a new venture called "The Bike Chronicles of India"..!!
I guess many guys who have known me have labelled me a fool or a dreamer at some point.. I did not know the reason why I have been acting so unreasonably my whole life. But when I came across the above lines from a speech made by Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, my whole life flashed in front of my eyes.
Here is another part from the same Steve Jobs speech..
"You've got to find what you love.
And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle."
Steve Jobs at stanford University Commencement 2005.
Watch the speech on youtube, Click Here..
So here I was, sitting comfortably in an air conditioned environment, in front of a computer screen in Bangalore (I don't think I can ever call it "Bengaluru"). I was a software professional. Pay was decent, my boss was a nice guy and there was a prospect of being able to work in the U.S of A as an employee of the company. (The girl whom I replaced at the Bangalore office was sent to the West Coast of the U.S as an Account Manager..!!)
What more could anyone ask for..?? Work in the U.S for a few years, save up enough dollars, come back to India, buy an apartment and yes, buy that Yamaha R1..!!
So why am I witing this post..??
It is because I have quit my Software Job and possibly blown my chances of making it to the U.S of A. Now now.. Didn't I tell you that a few guys have labelled me as a dreamy fool..??
Why..?? You might ask.
It is because even if I was in my Bangalore Office, I used to think about bikes and "The Bike Chronicles of India" all the time literally. I then knew that I needed a change very badly. There wasn't anything wrong with the company and the problem was probably entirely with me. But I wasn't able to put in 100 % of effort in my job.
So, what's next..??
I have joined a new job with a company called Raytheon Professional Services, India. It is the Indian arm of Raytheon Professional Services, which is a global leader in learning services and outsourcing. In simpler terms, Raytheon Professional Services, India provides Automotive related Training to the employess of leading Indian Auto Makers. It's head office is in Gurgaon.
Why..?? You might again ask..
Well for one, I now have a job which deals in the Automotive Sector and virtually everyone at my new workplace are Auto Enthusiasts. Moreover today is my first day at Raytheon Professional Services, India and I am writing this post sitting in my Gurgaon office without any feeling of guilt.
As a perk, I now have access to all the Auto Magazines published in the country and I now will be attending Auto Expo 2008 as an employee of Raytheon Professional Services, India..!!
But what about the Yamaha R1..??
Aah.. I can't afford it, I don't need it and I don't want it..!!
Maybe I am acting foolish. But even Steve Jobs ended his above mentioned speech with the following words.. "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish..!!"
Now only time will tell whether this philosophy worked for me..
[Read the text of the 2005 Stanford University Commencement address by Steve Jobs.. Click Here..]
This is to remind that the Views or Opinions in the blog are entirely mine unless explicitly stated. The Views and Opinions published in this blog should in no way be related to any other person or organization associated -- directly or indirectly -- with me.
Congratulations on your new job bro. Always do what your heart wants...thats what I feel myself. Way to go brother.
It doesnt matter what you do?..All that matter is How you Do.. So be proud as you are working in a more comfortable environment. :) Atleast you can goto autoexpos! ;)
Congrats for ur new job...:)
Bro...may all ur wishes come true in ur life..!!
Congrats.. One always feels better on home soil.. Same is the case with u.. U should b feelin home now!! I'm still huntin for my dream job.. Hope i get it soon..
Enjoy Madi!!
All the best Payeng.
Life is worth following passions.
otherwise its boring.
Hopefully someday i'll realize my dream of being a nomad.
whose home is highways.
Hey Best wishes man....
Tu chal mai aaya ;-)
We have a lot in common dude!!!! I too have chased my dreams ....... be it computers, bikes or the biggest dream I've ever dreamt, the lady love of my life!!!
Take it from me bro, always dream because your dreams are the one which would give you your next goal to achieve and keep you moving and hungry. It will give you more than you ever thought of achieving.
Congrats for your new job!!!! Looking forward to meet you ;-)
Boss. You have done something that not many of us have the chance/balls to do.
Im sure that you will do well here. All the very best for a wonderful career ahead.
heard that speech from Mr.Jobs quite a while ago...and at first i didnt understand what he meant by "stay foolish" but what i derived out of it was "bullish". and then it made perfect sense to me.anyways....all the best on your new venture and hope to see u soon as you are now in Gurgaon. Welcome to Jatt-Land!!
Hi Payeng,
Congratulations for your new job!!
Gr8 going -- i too wish to do something like that soon. U will act as a new inspiration now.. kudoes
Thanks a lot guys..
thanks for the encouragement.
congratulations mate!!...hope to catch u in delhi soon
thats a man!!!
btw, isnt Raytheon an Israeli company?
and do pass me ur number
No Nilu, Raytheon is an American Company..
The Company also has a huge presence in defense related equipments (like missile systems) worldwide.
Thats what! I remember dealing with a Raytheon rep while I was working for DRDO, and the rep was an Israeli.
Anyway do mail me ur number, will come next weekend
Hi payeng...
Not everyone can afford make a leap of faith owing to prevailing commitments, and I don't just mean the financial ones. I applaud you for doing what you did and wish you nothing but the best in terms of motorcycling.
Look at it this way, the time is not far when Indians can own twins or fours(of the two wheeled kind) without breaking the bank. So keep the dream alive. And do make some smashing posts during the expo.
Take care, bro...
Thanks Synn..
Will certainly try to keep the Dreams alive.
Looks like I am at the Right place and the Right time for this Auto Expo 2008.
Lets hope the best for the future
Congrats for ur new job...:)
Bro...may all ur wishes come true in ur life..!!
Bro...you got a fan in me NOW..
sir I want to be like you because same thing happen with me as in my mind only bike please help me
Hi Somnath,
all I can tell you is repeat what Mr. Jobs told. i.e to "keep searching for what you love doing, and when you find it you'll know it"
Best of luck bro
Thanks for support!!! keep writing
All the very best, Payeng. Rock on! So happy for you!
Nice Read...follow your dream
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